
Support · May 23, 2024

How to subscribe to Payment Links+

Before using Payment Links+, make sure that you have an account on our Dashboard and enabled to a live mode by filling the form and submitting a few documents via Dashboard for approval. For more details, please visit How do I enable the live account?


Payment Links+ allow the merchants to create a payment link which can be shared with clients through any communication channel to request for payments. The feature comes as a standard service with all Opn accounts. No extra integration or programming knowledge is required.

Here's how you can start using Payment Links+. Follow the steps below after logging in to the merchant dashboard:

  1. Go to App Center on the left navigation menu.

Screenshot 2567-08-28 at 14.53.09.png

  1. Choose Payment Links+ from the App Center and subscribe.

  2. Submit the store profile details, upload the logo, and the refund policy.

  3. The approval process takes 1-3 business days.

  4. Once merchant receive an email, please log in to your dashboard and click Get Started.

For detailed steps, please see the Payment Links+ User Guide.

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