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Khana Yoga Mat

Khana Yoga Mat

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Khana Yoga Mat

E-commerce is not just a temporary sales channel to keep businesses afloat during challenging times but can become an extra revenue stream that helps businesses thrive and survive in the long term.

Titamin Dhammapimonsopit
Titamin Dhammapimonsopit

Business owner

E-commerce is not just a temporary sales channel to keep businesses afloat during challenging times but can become an extra revenue stream that helps businesses thrive and survive in the long term.

In early 2020 when healthcare measures were introduced to help alleviate the effects of the pandemic, “Khana Yoga” was among the many businesses in the health and fitness industry that had to temporarily shut down.

After on-site operations ceased causing point-of-sale transactions to drop, the owner of Khana Yoga Studio, Titamin Dhammapimonsopit, made the quick decision to shift part of their business online to generate some revenue. Although today’s healthcare restrictions have eased and physical locations have reopened, Titamin is continuing to build Khana’s online presence and is looking to add more products to their online store.

Transitioning from brick-and-mortar to online sales

Like most fitness centers and yoga studios, Khana’s primary income source relied on membership training fees and on-site merchandise sales. All activities happened at the studio, and all transactions were offline.

“When the studio had to shut down temporarily, all point-of-sales transactions ceased, our main source of revenue disappeared. As a business owner, I saw the business impact and made the quick decision to start online sales to generate some income. At first, I wasn’t too sure of how things would turn out, but in that situation, I wasn’t left with much choice. I began with a lightweight solution by taking the merchandise we used to sell at our studio and sold them online. This way, I didn’t have to invest more capital into a new product inventory.”

Creating an e-commerce website

“Our website,, is built on the WooCommerce platform. We also decided to partner with a payment gateway right from the beginning. In addition to the convenience factor for customers, accepting card payments also complements our brand reputation.”


“The development of our website did not take long as my partner is a developer. While he took care of the site development and tested the integration with Omise, we applied for a live account and went through the registration process in parallel.”

“Frankly speaking, I wasn’t too excited about the 3.65% Omise transaction fee at first. I felt that a small percentage was deducted from every order. However, after the first couple of months, I came to realize the true value. Enabling customers to pay by card isn’t only convenient, but also a lot easier for our admin to manage. The whole process is simple and streamlined enough for one person to handle. There’s no need for manual cross-checking of transfer slips as everything can be monitored from one portal.”

Going online helps diversify revenue stream

Instead of having income flowing through a single channel, Khana now has an additional revenue stream from sales through its e-commerce website.

Diversifying a business’s revenue stream helps avoid excessive dependence on a single source, thereby reducing the risk of financial difficulties in unforeseen situations. No matter how well things may seem to be doing, it’s recommended that businesses have an additional source that can continue to generate income on the side.

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